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[FR] Gibt es eine Chance für einen englischen Bereich im Forum?

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Gibt es eine Chance für einen englischen Bereich im Forum?


Beitrag von gavindjharper »

Hallo forists,
Ich habe Ihre Beiträge über Google Translate enorm genossen. Ich habe in der Schule Deutsch gelernt, aber mein Können ist nicht gut genug, um mithalten zu können. Hoffentlich können Sie meine maschinelle Übersetzung in Kauf nehmen.

Ich weiß, dass Großbritannien ein Land im Niedergang ist, unsere Politiker sind ein Witz und unsere Währung wird wahrscheinlich bald wertlos sein. Ich bin mir sicher, dass der Wechselkurs nach dem Brexit wahrscheinlich dazu führen wird, dass Stefan Pfund-Banknoten durch den Schubkarren voll geliefert werden, um einen Server zu kaufen.

Ich frage mich, wie viele Timberwolfs Sie in Großbritannien verkauft haben. Gibt es hier eine Community oder sind wir nur ein Jahrzehnt hinter allem, was mit Smart Home zu tun hat?

Ich habe eine KNX-Installation. Ich dachte lange an die Linie von Loxone zur Visualisierung, bevor ich Timberwolf entdeckte. Ich bin immer noch amm und äh, aber ich glaube, es ist wahrscheinlich ein Weg, den ich gehen werde.

Bis zu welchem ​​Grad ist die Software e.t.c. mit englischsprachigen Dateien verfügbar? Gibt es irgendetwas, wo ich mit meinem Handy auffrischen oder übersetzen muss?

Begrüße alle Gedanken. Ich hoffe, dass sich eine britische Community und eine Fangemeinde entwickelt, die wie ein großartiges Produkt aussieht.

Hoffentlich löst sich unser häusliches Durcheinander auf. Wir sind zusammen stärker.

Alles Gute,


Elaborated Networks
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Beitrag von StefanW »

HI Gavin,

thanks for posting.

We´re were interested in an english board and especially in an englisch version of the knowledge base. The admin-tool of the Timberwolf Server is completely written in english (in fact, we first develop the english version of the UI and translate into a german version in a second step).

I am not aware of a customer in UK, but you´re absolutely welcome. We´re definitly interested in export all over the world, so an english community should be helpful.

The Timberwolf Server has about 80 times the power of Loxone Miniserver and should be KNX certified very soon (we´re in the process) and is developed to be open for all products from others, for an open world. Loxone is developed to support especially their own products at most and is limited in supporting foreign standards. It is mostly designed for an more closed world. That must be not negativ, but thats the main limitation.

If you want to help to start with an english community, then please help in translating the knowledga base in english. Please correspond with Robert_Mini how masters the german version. We could than arrange for some disount on timberwolf server for your support.

Kind regards, any MAY your politicians come to athe best decision for UK.

Zuletzt geändert von StefanW am Sa Feb 16, 2019 6:46 am, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Stefan Werner
Product Owner für Timberwolf Server, 1-Wire und BlitzART
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Beitrag von Robert_Mini »

Hy Gavin!

As you can see, English is always welcome! If you feel unsure, it’s fine if you write your postings in English and people will support in same language.
I’ll think about how to handle the English Knowledge Base, any remarks for priority from your side?

Timberwolf Server 2500 / #117 (VPN offen + reboot nach Rückfrage) / zusätzlich: 3500M/#935, 3500L/#1297

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Beitrag von Dragonos2000 »

Hi Gavin and welcome,

as Robert stated: You can write your postings in English and we'll do our best with the knowledge base.
TW 2600 #188
VPN offen, Zugriff jederzeit, Experimente jederzeit, Reboot jederzeit

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Beitrag von knatti »


and welcome, I dont know if I can be of any help in technical details but I also own a Timberwolf now :dance: .

And we have some things in common:
  • same passport
  • my son has the same name
  • dislike of this Brexit idea
timberwolf271, 950q, VPN open, reboot anytime

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: So Nov 11, 2018 2:34 am
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Beitrag von gavindjharper »

Dear All,
Wow. Thank you all for such a warm reply! :)

I am sorry that it has taken me such a while to reply, I have been off the forum for a little while, and just noticed this thread has taken off.

Stefan, your message is very reassuring. I don't know how it works out English > German, but I find with Google Translate on Chrome, it is really fairly easy to follow conversations. Sadly my German isn't up to reading fluently, but if people are happy with posts in English, then that would be quite marvellous.

I am confident that you will have a UK customer. I am banking on Brexit not happening as I haven't quite got my pennies together, and in a month they could otherwise be worth significantly less + tarriffs e.t.c. so worst case scenario, I may come over on Ryanair and bring one back in my hand luggage :)

Yes, I really like your philosophy on the server. It is clear that there is a real gap in the market for such a universal solution, and your attention to detail with the engineering and specifications is quite something. I'm confident that this is the way I will be going and will be happy to evangelise. Our electrician is a Loxone partner, but I've told him I won't be going down that route now. He has also expressed reservations about their limitations and the philosophy of becoming a closed system... I sense there are many in that community who would welcome coming over to your system.

I will now send a message to Robert_Mini. I think reading the machine translation and then editing for clarity and flow this should be easy to achieve. I would be really grateful for your kind offer. If I chat with Robert, start the work, and then work out what I need server wise and we can get the ball rolling on all counts. I work away from home in the week, so have some evenings to fill!

Knatti... That is brilliant to hear. Are you UK or Germany based? Be great to see a server in action, nothing quite like being shown what is what...
Yes, lovely Burgundy passports for now! Great choice of name too :D :D :D


Ahhh Brexit. We are in the heat of the moment at the moment. We shall see. Our PM seems to be an (inter)national laughing stock. The rally in London tomorrow should be enormous. There are nearly 4 million signatures on the petition to revoke Article 50. It's a miserable mess. It's brought out some really nasty undercurrents in our society. I'm still confident that it will break soon. If anything, whilst there is a fractious nation, I think that it has galvanised many people that were "complacently European". Whilst everyone is probably sick to the back teeth of us at the moment, I hope if it is called off and we do remain, you may see a new generation of politicians being much more co-operative and we may end up being much better Europeans for it! :)

Elaborated Networks
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Beitrag von StefanW »

Hi Garvin,

thanks for comming back. We´re are very glad now to start with an UK Community.

My Wife and I are UK Fans, especially as my wife used to live in London for about one year (BTW: I am sorry for my bad english, especially my bad grammar).

So If you would arrange for some meetings with others, interesting in Timberwolf Server, we´re very glad to visit for presentation, tutorial classes and some sightseeing.

Robert and Dennis have arranged for the needed rights to helping translating the knowledge base.

For ordering a a server (with special discount for your translation help), please write to sales at wiregate dot de

Kind regards


PS: I´am so unhappy about the Brexit. It is unbelievable, how the brexiteers were able - with only a handful of lies - to put the proud people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in such a awkward position.
Stefan Werner
Product Owner für Timberwolf Server, 1-Wire und BlitzART
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Zu Preisen, Lizenzen, Garantie, HW-Defekt an service at elabnet dot de

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Beitrag von brinchi »

Is the English KB progressing?

Regardless of the KB, imho it would make sense to establish an English section so that non-German forum members can ask freely.
I am pretty sure that quite a few forum members would be willing to guide fellow non-German speaking users to the right answers, e.g. by translating the relevant bit of a solution thread.
timberwolf231 (2600), VPN offen, Reboot jederzeit

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Beitrag von jockel »

Do not hesitate, just ask!

In my opinion separating the forum by language would also separate the information, which would make it harder to find it. Beside that, most user would probably only monitor the german section and miss postings in other areas.
TWS 2500 ID: 145 + 1x TP-UART + 2x DS9490R, VPN geschlossen, Reboot nach Absprache / wiregate198 (im Ruhestand)

Elaborated Networks
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Beitrag von StefanW »

Jockel, der Brinchi ist Schweizer, es will nicht selbst auf Englisch fragen, sondern - so verstehe ich das - plädiert für einen grundsätzlichen englischen Bereich.

Ich würde das auch gerne sehen, aber wie soll man das machen? Gleich ein englisches Forum mit der gleichen Einteilung wie das deutsche? Oder nur in jedem Unterforum einen englischen Bereich?


Stefan Werner
Product Owner für Timberwolf Server, 1-Wire und BlitzART
Bitte WIKI lesen. Allg. Support nur im Forum. Bitte keine PN
Zu Preisen, Lizenzen, Garantie, HW-Defekt an service at elabnet dot de

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